Fulham - obstacle courses

Our Little Forest Folk-ers have been so creative in the forest this week. The morning set up has inspired the children to tackle obstacle courses, whether there where bridges or trains, houses, or offices! It is amazing to see what children perceive and what they can use to incorporate into their play. For example, we had a climbing frame made from pallets that could resemble a bridge, but our children saw a ship that could keep them safe from sharks and hungry crocodiles!

Their physical abilities are always developing, and they can find ways to make obstacles and constructions even more challenging to test their potential. For example, the older children add a bigger log to be able to jump higher, and the younger children add a ramp if they are not too sure they can manage to go up and down by themselves. This self-risk-assessment and being able to know their own strength and own abilities are some of the many skills our Little Forest Folk-ers learn and develop every day. It is inspiring to see how much they can achieve being outdoors in the natural environment! They can scaffold their learning when they engage in role play and their imagination runs wild!

Some of the children found bits of bark and suddenly, we all had phones and walkie-talkies to call the pizza lady (Sofia) and had them delivered to someone’s house. After that, they decided to go to the cinema, so they all had tickets (leaves) and got on the bus to the venue! The communication between them and their collaboration enabled them to have the most exciting adventures!

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We had a clay station where the children made beautiful dinosaurs, hedgehogs and other animals sticking sticks, pinecones, stones, and pine needles. The children were also interested in drawing this week, so the box of pens was always nearby for them to use!

Some adventurers hid in the tall grass and crawled like an army of sweet crocodiles chasing their prey. Others climbed the yew tree pretending to be monkeys finding a high spot safely away from the crocodiles!

We had lots of reading in the shade, storytelling and songs all week! Those voices must be singing in loop at home by now! Our adventurers have been super helpful at pack down learning how to do knots with guy ropes and put away the pegs safely in the toolbox. What an incredible week indeed!

We are celebrating the beginning of summer next week in the forest so if our Little Forest Folk-ers wish to join us in fancy dresses they are more than welcome any time of the week!

Have an amazing weekend!

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Little Forest Folk