We’ve come to an end of another great week here in our Fulham forest!
This week we have celebrated national tree week and each day we have broken it down and created loads of great activities for the children to promote this. We’ve had activities ranging from leaf rubbing and making leaf masks, creating clay tree faces and going on many great adventures to scavenge the different things that come from trees. Having the most fun one afternoon using the leaves as rain we enjoyed leaf throwing whilst being on an adventure, throwing the leaves up into the air and running under them as they all fell.
Working on pen control and letter formation we have been using our dotted name cards attempting to practising forming the letters of our names.
Sticking with fine motor skills activities the children enjoyed using the large beads and string to practice threading. Showing great persistence, our children were able to attempt this really well.
Towards the end of the week and with the temperature dropping four children wanted to take a trip to the river at bishops park to see if it had frozen over. Finding little stones and sticks around we took turns throwing objects in and watching as they slid across the icy river.
We’ve had the best fun this week in the Fulham forest and I can excited to see what learning opportunities comes next week.
Little Forest Folk