Fulham - Jenga!

We have had a nice week in the Fulham Forest. We started off the week with a focus on independence and a great way to implement this in the forest is for the children to assist in cutting up their own fruit for snack. 

This activity was a real success, and our little explorers loved taking part. Using the child-friendly knives, they were able to practise how to safely cut up soft and hard fruit. This opened up plenty of conversations across camp, with our Little Forest Folk-ers speaking about foods that are good for us and foods that are not so good for us. 

There have also been plenty of opportunities for our little adventurers to work on their fine motor skills this week, with one especially popular threading activity using the string and beads. This is great for the children’s hand and eye coordination and patience!

We have learnt some new group games this week too, such as wooden block Jenga where we were encouraging our little adventurers to understand the concept of using one hand to attempt to retrieve the blocks without knocking them down. This is great for learning how to be able to follow through with simple instructions whilst practicing it in a fun, light-hearted game. 

As always, a jam-packed week full of great fun and learning opportunities has been had and we are excited to see what next week brings in the Fulham forest!

Little Forest Folk