Fulham - Fresh Term, Fresh Faces

Wow, what a busy first week of term we have had! The weather has certainly filled us with surprises, with some sunshine, rain and even a little bit of thunder to add to the mix!

The beauty of our weather is that it provides us with so many fantastic opportunities and the children have enjoyed singing in the rain as well as watching as the raindrops splashed onto their waterproofs.

The first day of term always marks some new faces and our new children have done exceptionally well, familiarising themselves with their new environment and routine. It has been great to already see new friendships forming and children looking out for each other as they bond over muddy hands and puddle splashes.

The children have also enjoyed tackling tricky obstacle courses as the rain came down, making way for slippery services which resulted in more concentration and a slightly slower step. It was great to see the children being cautious but not letting the challenge deter them from success!

We hope you all had a wonderful first week of term and we look forward to seeing what next week has in store for us here at Little Forest Folk Fulham - have a fabulous weekend!

Little Forest Folk