Fulham - certificates and tree cookies

We’ve had such a wonderful start to the week at Fulham. Holiday camp has started and the children are having a lovely time with our incredible educators.

On Monday, we had our lovely families coming to the forest with the children to receive their certificates and tree cookies as some of them will be leaving Little Forest Folk and going to school in September. It was so magical and emotional, seeing the children so relaxed and happy after a week at home! We would like to thank you all for your support and kindness in the past year. Our team feels incredibly blessed to work alongside such beautiful families! Your children are a delight to have in the forest and we will miss them so much! We wish them all the best of luck at their new schools and we are sure they will strive in their new adventures!

The first week of holiday camp has been fantastic! The children have been exploring the natural environment and have settled so well in our forest. They have been experimenting with colours, different materials and new ways to do things. The mud kitchen has been a sensation this week, where the children have created the most amazing and delicious cakes!

Finding the right consistency to make a mud cake is not always easy, so our adventurers have tried different techniques. For example, starting with some soil and adding water a little bit at a time with a ladle or a cup, or if the ground was already too wet trying to find dry soil to add to the mix. They have absolutely loved getting their hands in the mud and use their little fingers to create patterns on top, but their favourite part was decorating the cakes. The children used different sea shells, stones, flower petals and to finish up, some colourful chalk dust to sprinkle over the top!

The children used big leaves to make coins with a hole puncher, which they’ve later used to buy their cakes and muffins from the shop in the construction area. They made necklaces and bracelets using the circles and half-moons created with the hole puncher, testing their fine motor skills by using thread to connect the circles.

The children have been enjoying experimenting with paint, clay and colouring with pens. They’ve used brushes, sticks, fingers and leaves to express themselves on a very large canvas and the result was the most amazing abstract painting ever. On the clay station, sea animals were the topic this week. The children made sea monsters, whales, sharks and giant sea snails, all made with incredible detail and skill.

Our Little Forest Folk-ers are always looking for bugs, insects and different flora in the natural world. One of our holiday campers found a beautiful moth with a broken wing one day and carefully looked after it for the whole day! They rescued snails and slugs that were crossing the path on our way to camp and gently put them on the grass so they wouldn’t get accidently squashed by anyone! Once more, our little super heroes saved the day!

Have a fantastic weekend everyone!

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Little Forest Folk