Chiswick - Winter wonderland!

Our week in the forest

This week in the forest the cold weather has reminded us to be mindful, looking on the bright side and appreciating the natural beauties that lay within our surroundings.
We have had to fend off the cold but that hasn’t stopped our children from embracing the fresh air, frosty fields, and the endless possibilities that arise through playing in the forest.
“Listen! The grass is going crunch-crunch-crunch.”
Jack Frost graced the forest with icy patches and the children lapped up the opportunity to experiment with the change in their environment. Some children ice skated and skied down the powdered shallow banks, while others took note of how the ice melted over time when they mixed chunks of it into their mud pies.
We revisited the lanterns we saw being built last week. The children were really interested to see how the process of building a display changes as you near completion. The children talked about what had changed since our last visit, with some trying to work out how the changes came about.

The children also loved diving into the tool box this week, working with practitioners to learn how to use different tools. We’ve sawed, drilled and hammered our way through the afternoons, and the look of elation on the children’s faces when they made their own toys was priceless! In just one week we have made a work bench for our new site, as well as building toy race cars and the first parts of an abacus. The children worked carefully, observing good practise and safety precautions outlined before the tools left the toolbox.
Even during the quiet contemplative moments, there is so much the children pick up on and learn from in the forest. One child this week sat gazing into the distance before asking a wonderfully simplistic, yet enticing scientific question.
“Why is it this chilly if the sun is shining? Normally, the sun makes us feel warm!”
The year round exposure to the elements really helps contextualise the children’s thinking when making scientific enquires like this one.
Though cold at times, we really have spent our week walking in a winter wonderland!


 Holiday camps for February half-term are filling up, to book a place click here

 What do you think of our Little Forest Folk meal box idea?
Let us know if you'd be interested in our poll

 Make sure to book your place for our Stay and Play week in March and join us for some forest adventures! We'll be sending out a few guidelines about what to expect next week.

Food in the forest:

Our up to date menus can be found on our website HERE along with our most requested soup recipes YUM!

What to wear:

It is essential that all children wear their Little Forest Folk waterproofs, this is part of our safeguarding policy, the high vis and colours are for extra visibility and keeping the children safe. Children can wear their own coats but waterproofs must be worn over the top. 

Please can we request that sessional children arrive with their full waterproofs on in order for us to be able to head into the forest on time. We don't want to keep the main group of Children waiting so for any sessional children arriving not yet dressed we will ask parents to catch us up on the walk in once their little one is togged up & ready to go!

Please follow our recommended winter kit list HERE

As it is particularly chilly at the moment please continue to add;
an extra layer on top half, at least a double layer of socks, a hat and 2 pairs of gloves.

Have a lovely weekend, we look forward to more adventures next week!

Little Forest Folk