Chiswick - Welcome Back & a Happy New Year!

Dear Forest Families,

We hope the start of this new year has been filled with joy and wonderful moments for each of you. As we embrace the freshness of 2024, we extend a warm welcome back to our little adventurers!

2024 began with a gentle transition, marked by the return of some familiar faces for our mini Holiday Camp. It was heartening to reunite with friends, sharing tales of holiday adventures and creating a cosy atmosphere beneath the forest canopy.

In these initial days of exploration, our forest has witnessed the excitement of digging and hunting for treasures. The mud kitchen, always a hub of creativity, has been abuzz with imaginative play as children concoct pies and cakes, transforming the forest into a culinary haven.

Adding a touch of literacy to our woodland adventures, we embarked on a delightful journey to learn the letters of our names. Through engaging games like connect the dots, our little learners found joy in discovering the magic within the alphabet.

Storytime became a cherished routine, with enchanting tales unfolding underneath the sheltering trees. The forest echoed with laughter and imagination as we not only enjoyed reading stories but also embarked on the thrilling venture of creating our own tales.

As we step into the promise of a new year and a new term, we are excited about the adventures that await us. May this term be filled with laughter, learning, and boundless discoveries for each child beneath our forest canopy.

Here's to a fantastic spring term!

Little Forest Folk