Chiswick - Role Play School Adventures

Phonics Fun with Pasta Letters
Our Little Forest Folk-ers have been practicing their phonics and name writing in a deliciously fun way – with pasta letters! Threading these pasta pieces onto string not only helped with fine motor skills but also made learning letters a tactile and tasty experience. Watching their concentration as they carefully selected each letter was truly delightful.

Role Play School Adventures
Our older children have been preparing for school through imaginative role play. In the mud kitchen, they whipped up “school meals” using mud, leaves, and twigs, showing off their culinary creativity. They also designed school uniforms for their teddies, complete with leaf hats and stick accessories. This activity helped them get excited about school while fostering creativity and social skills.

World Bicycle Day
To celebrate World Bicycle Day, we got crafty with pipe cleaners, beads, and buttons to make our very own miniature bikes. Our Little Forest Folk-ers learned about bike safety, identifying different parts of a bicycle like wheels, handlebars, and pedals. It was a ‘wheelie’ good time as they explored recyclable materials and understood the importance of reusing and recycling in our everyday lives.

World Environment Day
World Environment Day was a highlight for us, focusing on nurturing our planet. We kicked off the day by making a big recycle sign out of cardboard and then decorating it with green leaves, twigs, and other natural materials we found around the forest. As we crafted, we engaged in lively discussions about the importance of recycling and how it helps keep our Earth clean.

Our little adventurers eagerly shared stories about their recycling routines at home, describing how the bin lorry comes to collect their bins every week. They talked about what items they put in their recycling bins. It was heartwarming to see how much they knew and how passionate they were about helping the environment.

We also talked about saving animals, as well as discussing keeping our forests and oceans clean. Their insights were truly inspiring and showed their deep connection to nature.

Animal Mask Making
Our creativity soared as we made animal masks using various colourful materials. Leaves were transformed into ears and noses, while sticks became mask holders. Each Little Forest Folk-er made a unique and vibrant mask, namely tigers, frogs and bunnies, embracing nature's resources in their art. The joy and pride on their faces as they wore their creations was priceless.

Music and Orchestra
In our log circle, we formed a grand orchestra, this week proudly named the "Love Heart Orchestra" after a fun voting session. All of the children showcased incredible hand movements, playing their instruments and directing their friends with stop, play, and volume signs. It was a symphony of creativity and teamwork, and our little maestros did an amazing job.

Storytime: 'What A Waste'
We read 'What A Waste' by Jess French, which taught us about recycling and not wasting. Our little explorers learned that recycling turns old things into new treasures, helping to keep our world clean and beautiful. We also discussed the importance of sorting waste properly and understanding what can be recycled. 

World Ocean Day
On World Ocean Day, we dove into activities that highlighted the importance of keeping our oceans clean. We played a game called "Clean the Ocean," where our Little Forest Folk-ers used their sharp eyes to detect and remove rubbish from our pretend ocean. This activity sparked meaningful discussions about how pollution hurts ocean animals and our planet, reinforcing lessons from our book 'What A Waste.'
The children expressed their concerns about the amount of rubbish in the ocean and admired the efforts of volunteers who help clean our natural spaces. Their insights were heartfelt and showed their growing awareness and empathy for the environment.

We also drew wave-like patterns on cardboard and painted them blue to represent the ocean. While painting, we talked about various ocean animals and the impact of pollution on their habitats. We read a book about the ocean and pollution, learning about the rubbish that washes up on beaches. To bring the lesson home, we cleaned our very own picnic area, making it as pristine as possible.

Thank you to all our families for your continued support and for fostering a love of nature and learning in your little ones. Until next time, let's keep exploring, creating, and caring for our beautiful world!

Little Forest Folk