Chiswick - Red noses, feathered friends and silly rhymes

Red noses, feathered friends and silly rhymes

It has been a joyous and radiant week in the forest. Spring has finally sprung, with signs of fresh life popping up all around the place. Our children have relished the sun, the varied activities out during the day and their limitless ability to create entire worlds of play just by thinking and doing.

This week we’ve been treated to two celebrations that have tied nicely together. The first was Red Nose Day on Friday; all of the children thought it was a really good idea to make both attachable red noses (from our stock of kindly donated egg boxes) and permanent ones painted straight on! Even some of the educators got brushed! We discussed the meaning of the day, how some people are less fortunate and by buying the red noses from the shops, donating and fundraising, we can support those in need. In the spirit we told our best jokes, read our funniest books and got as silly as we possibly could.

Wednesday was World Poetry Day and so we brought collections of poems and rhyming stories to the forest. Feeling inspired we carried forward the enthusiasm for words into some literary practice writing and identifying letters, and doing huge mark making on the forest floor making shapes for playing inside or signing their name so we know whose been in the forest for that day.

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Due to the gorgeous weather rolling in our adventure walks have been illuminated, and we’ve noticed signs of new life in the forest. Flowers are blossoming, bees and butterflies return to deliver pollen and baby trees are growing almost as fast as the children! We’ve had lots of fun counting and identifying the different birds we see on our walks and how they look and behave differently. We even brought them some tasty treats! Back at camp we have been searching for eggs and delicately building them nests for when the mummy and daddy birds return to care for them.

Our children constantly find ways to transform the forest into the image of their imagination, using sticks and leaves to create homes for families of cheetahs, or castles for dragon battling knights and kitchens and cafes for preparing the premier forest cuisines.

Thank you so much for all the egg boxes! We will begin our seed planting bonanza from next week so watch this space! We hope you all have wonderful weekends!

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Little Forest Folk