Chiswick - It’s not goodbye, it’s “see you soon!”

July is in full swing and we are all enjoying the sun that is slowly coming back to us and our forest! Do you want to buy £100 ice cream, jump in the biggest puddle in the world or just sit back, relax and watch TV? Then Chiswick is the place for you!

Our week started by giving us some very exciting adventures in the form of adventure walk snack and Emma the Forest Photographer. Monday and Tuesday we had a Forest photographer so they could take the very first proper Forest School photos of our adventurers and it was so much fun. We did amazing listening and we got super cool stickers as a well done, and the stickers of course turned into magical buttons that made us go invisible! This was very confusing for our Educators as they couldn’t find us when it was time for snack… eventually we got hungry so we decided do become visible again (phew!).

As we had the tree surgeons visit us last week, we now have some great new logs and tree stumps for climbing and jumping. Some of our explorers were disappointed that our magical ice cream shop tree was cut down, but worry not! Our Little Forest Folk-ers once again showed their impressive imagination and we now have an ice cream caterpillar instead, as the cut-down tree made enormous logs that are lined up like one.

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After all the adventures this week we were tired and decided that it was time to sit back and watch a movie. Don’t have a TV? Not a problem for us! We all found a comfy position to sit in, picked up a make-believe remote and started zapping through all the channels the forest could offer, having our Educators act out our favourite scenes from our very beloved Ice Queen films. When we didn’t need our Educators for entertainment any more we watched our Big Screen (The meadow) and spied for bugs and dogs - making our very own live nature documentary.

Having summer flying by also means that we have to start saying goodbye to quite a few Little Forest Folk-ers that are leaving us at Chiswick for the adventures of big school! How are our Adventures growing up so fast? However, as the Educators were reminded of, it’s more of a “see you soon” as we all hope to see them again for Holiday Camp!

Our week as been filled to the brim with new adventures and tree-mendous experiences! Have a fun filled weekend and hopefully we see you next week with a European Championship Win to celebrate! (as our older Adventures said- I hope London win!).

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Little Forest Folk