Chiswick - gingerbread cookies

Our Week in the Forest...

We started this week with a trip to a local Nursing home. Our walk was filled with learning opportunities as we discussed road safety, looked for the numbers on the houses and found the right street signs to turn down by matching the letters to the map. We used the phone to check for the directions we needed to take and how long it would take us to get there, constantly checking that we were making the right turns. On the high street, there were lots of shop windows to look in and lots to talk about. We saw many Christmas decorations and we even saw a dog in one of the windows! When we got to the nursing home, we made some Christmas decorations which we hung up on their Christmas tree and one of the residents even made us a Christmas card!

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We enjoyed some baking this week, mixing together ingredients for gingerbread cookies which we took home to bake. The children first guessed what they thought was in the recipe: flour, sugar, ginger and golden syrup and then were able to identify the remaining two ingredients: butter and bicarbonate of soda. With all our ingredients mixed together the children rolled out their dough and chose their favourite cookie cutters.
We have also been busy in the allotment again, finishing pulling up all the plants to let the garden bed rest over the winter. They pulled up the plants and carried them across the garden, working together really well. It was wonderful to hear their voices calling their peers to help them pull out the toughest plants and work together to carry the biggest ones. It felt a little like we were re-enacting the story of the enormous turnip!
We hope that all our families have a wonderful relaxing Christmas break. We look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year!

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Little Forest Folk