Chiswick - Face paints and crafts galore!

Face paints and crafts galore!

It’s been an absolutely delightful week for us all at Little Forest Folk Chiswick and the weather has been wonderful! We also had a thrilling announcement about our bubbles this week, and from Monday, our sessional green bubble and full day red bubble will be trialing a merge! We are so excited to be united again.

This week we’ve said goodbye to our holiday campers for now (thank you all for coming, we loved it!) and we have said hello to some new adventurers in the forest (who did incredibly well on their first days!).

At camp our little creators have been hard at work making incredible works of art (and sometimes being the art themselves!). There were stunning Jackson Pollock style splatter paintings that would’ve been just as at home in the Louvre as they were on the forest floor. We also had snazzy tape resist art pieces where masking tape was stuck on paper, painted over and peeled off to reveal a stunning image. Book making also featured this week, with cookbooks, story books and nature books being bound, written and decorated. We had a go at collages using recycled fabrics and scraps to create flags, flowers and geometric collages. Clay modelling has been enjoyed a few times with children sculpting animals, eggs and faces. Finally on the art front our inimitable manager Kate has been transforming children into incredible animals, fantasy characters and even landscape scenes.

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Our adventure walks have been illuminated by the sunny weather, and we’re seeing new animals in the forest! We’ve been lucky enough to see the return of the terrapins who come to sunbathe, and baby coot chicks nesting under their mum! Looking forward to seeing ducklings, goslings and cygnets! Also, on our walks, we’ve had tree climbing competitions, pirate ships escaping from sea monsters and bird feeding.

Back at camp we’ve enjoyed lounging in our hammock, swinging on our rope swing and balancing on tightropes. Digging for buried treasure has been popular as Chiswick keeps getting invaded by friendly pirates! Magic dragons have been razing the forest with huge fires (which were put out by our diligent firefighters). We’ve experimented with giant bubbles, watching them fly and burst, and robots have been building robo-dens!

Thank you all for another amazing week, looking forward to next weeks’ reunion! Adios, ciao and goodbye!

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Little Forest Folk