Chiswick - Educators don’t live in the forest?

Educators don’t live in the forest?

This week has shown us all kinds of weather, making our adventures question where summer has gone. June came and went in a blink, and we have celebrated the new month by talking about who’s birthday is coming up, and how some of our Little Forest Folk-ers are leaving us for the amazing adventures of big school in the next few weeks.

We have explored every corner of our camp, discovering new kinds of insects and caterpillars. If any of our fellow friends of the forest know what kind of hairy caterpillar we found the other day, we’d be overjoyed to learn it’s scientific name, for now we just call it Bowie!

Our camp has a temporary neighbour in the form of a magical circus, so the fairies and magical powers it possesses has made it over the wall to us. We made wristwatches using old milk bottle lids that showed both time and turned our Educators into frogs and unicorns.

With the rain being kind enough to stay away for most of our day, our hammock has made yet another return and is more popular than ever for a nice place to relax. This week it also turned into a pirate ship that housed Captain Blackbeard and his crew, and they plotted together plans on how to steal the treasure of Pirate Frank!

We have some very well-hidden tree stumps at our current camp that educators as well as our little adventures could stumble over, so we took matters into our own hands and built tripods with sticks to cover them with. The tripods looked a lot like fires and volcanoes, and naturally our forest filled with lovely campfires that we toasted leaf-marshmallows over.

Our educators put on a very convincing act about how they live in the forest, as they’re always there before us and stay after we go home. Our Little Forest Folk-ers made log-beds and built dens for the educators to have a nice place to sleep at night, because how can they sleep comfortably without houses and nice cozy beds? When it came out that educators actually do have houses and homes of different kinds, the Little Forest Folk-ers were very surprised and laughed thinking it was a joke!

As our week comes to an end, our forest had visitors in the form of tree surgeons! They had super loud chainsaws and cut down a few trees that were feeling poorly and were at risk of falling over during storms. Everyone watched in awe from a safe distance as humongous trees came falling down, eyeing the new tree stumps that look like fantastic new climbing and jumping opportunities. Our little explorers have a new dream job now, that they dubbed “jumping log maker”, as tree surgeon just sounds a tad bit less exciting.

Have a fun-filled weekend and fill it with lots of adventures that we can hear all about when we all meet again next week!

A tree-joke for your weekend laughs:
“Why did the tree need to take a nap?”
“For rest!”

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Little Forest Folk