Chiswick - Desert School

This week has been hot hot hot, although it cooled down in the latter half of the week. Water and ice have become a new best friend to all, keeping us cool when we needed it the most.

We’ve had frozen pineapple and watermelon lollies! As well as rainbow ice cube painting and a hair and beauty shop alongside our wilderness spa, pampering our forest friends!

Another week of saying farewells and see you soons to our little humans, reminiscing on their journeys, perhaps with a tear but definitely with a bigger smile! We are all so grateful for being part of their journey here in the wild!

We have some inspiring news;
We are applying for our eco school flag and are very proud of our eco code slogan:
Bees, butterflies and any insects are all important. We want to create a thriving hive for all!

Have a beautiful weekend and perhaps find some time to reflect on all you have achieved in your life, be proud, appreciate and show love for you!

Little Forest Folk