Chiswick - Creative Characters

Happy Friday everyone! This has been a week full of vibrant sounds and colours and our creative juices have been well and truly flowing.

So nice we did it twice! Our tie dye creations were such a success we decided to give it another whirl, bigger and brighter than ever. We curled and swirled our fabric and squirted on pinks, greens, yellows, and blues to make beautiful patterns - a truly memorable keepsake for our time in the forest!

The trees are alive with the sound of music. Our very special music man Joe has joined us this week in the forest, bringing the magical sounds of his guitar, ukulele, and trombone! We have enjoyed some wonderfully interactive songs and dances, including a fruity favourite - bananas of the world unite!

In creative corner this week we have experimented with lots of shapes and textures, making paint impressions with potato prints, sponge stamps and even leaves from the forest floor and we have been putting our creative flair to good use by working on our very special top-secret project!

All in all, we have had a lovely, bright, colourful, expressive week getting in touch with our creative sides. We can’t wait to see what the next week brings!

Creative joke of the week:
What did the artist draw before he went to bed?
The curtains!

Little Forest Folk