Wimbledon - Washing Up Fun

A week of new friends, new activities and lots of fun!

The rain finally came and made an appearance this week at Wimbledon, which meant the muddy puddles were back! This is one of our favourite things as we all love making ginormous splashes in them. It’s great to also use them in our play and our children have been making the most of that. We have done lots of water play, including a fun washing up activity. There was a chance for the children to use different sponges to do some imaginative play with plates and cups. It was great to see them develop their own ideas and bring different characters into this game.

We have also enjoyed going on some adventure walks this week. It is always fun to see how the forest is changing, but this week it has been even more exciting because our older children could show our new children the sights. They helped to lead the way to our favourite spots and see what was new. We explored puddles, mushrooms and different plants growing around us.

It’s been another exciting week, and we love that there is always so much to do at Wimbledon. No day is ever the same!

Little Forest Folk