Chiswick - Beautiful Butterflies and Fiery Dragons

What a scorcher!
We’ve gone creative crazy here at Chiswick this week, our adventurers have been making dot to dots and counting, getting messy with patterned paint rollers, and using glue and brightly coloured sequins to make Father’s Day cards. 
Dragons have visited us in the forest, confusing the temperatures for their fiery home. Chiswick’s adventurers set out on a Dragon Hunt to find the secret cave! 
Butterfly release week!! The time came this week to set our caterpillars-turned-butterflies free. After watching them grow and evolve into crispy chrysalises our adventurers watched the beautiful butterflies float away in our sunny allotment. 
On a glorious week like this, we only had one thing left to do – water fight! With designated splash zones set about our camp, educators and adventurers alike embarked on the biggest nautical battle yet! 
We hope everyone has had as much fun as us this week and enjoys their weekend! Stay hydrated friends!! 
Joke of the week: what is the sun’s favourite day of the week? 
SUNday, of course!

Little Forest Folk