Little Forest Folk | Wimbledon - What a sunny week we’ve had | Forest School

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Wimbledon - What a sunny week we’ve had

Our week in the forest

Everybody Loves the Sunshine
What a sunny week we’ve had in Wimbledon. Sunny children who were ready to brave the still-cold forest came forth every morning and break new ground, break new ice, and break out new smiles at all the forest and each other had to offer.
It has been a very arts and crafts orientated week for the children with some brilliantly imaginative activities going on at our ‘Creation Station’. Fairies of all descriptions descended to the wand making session with pipe cleaners and sticks as our resources. Some wands ended up being longer even than the fairies that wielded them! Paper aeroplanes and paper hats got the children practising their folding skills and their patience when little fingers ended up a little entangled in the sellotape! As the weather improves further, we will hopefully be able to get the art resources out to make more use of materials of the forest.

Fire! Baddies! Lifeboats! Emergency services were at the forefront of the children’s role-playing this week with various different scenarios, bases and equipment needed to save, catch and spot. This role-playing involved a lot of great physical activity with the children climbing high in the trees, running around all over the forest and jumping across puddles and off logs in their pursuits. The Lifeboat role-playing has been a lovely new addition to the children’s imaginings and given our children some fantastic new vocabulary with the words “harbour” and “dinghy”.
Obstacle courses are becoming quite the rage for our little forest children with adults and the children themselves constructing tricky physical challenges for themselves and each other to attempt. Walking across round logs has really tested the children’s balancing skills and after a few attempts folding someone’s hand, they’re ready to try and walk and balance unaided. Jumping, too, has been a growing challenge for the children who will find new and higher logs and trees to practice their developing skill with. Those making the courses can also add using their strength to their physical development as they carry logs, planks and branches to the course and placing them where they want them. All of this and more make our children the tough, resilient characters that we know and love them for.

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 What do you think of our Little Forest Folk meal box idea?
Let us know if you'd be interested in our poll
 Invites for our Stay and Play week in March have been sent out, do make sure to book your place to join us for some forest adventures! We'll be sending out a few guidelines about what to expect next week.

Food in the forest:

Our up to date menus can be found on our website HERE along with our most requested soup recipes YUM!

What to wear:

It is essential that all children wear their Little Forest Folk waterproofs, this is part of our safeguarding policy, the high vis and colours are for extra visibility and keeping the children safe. Children can wear their own coats but waterproofs must be worn over the top. 

Please can we request that sessional children arrive with their full waterproofs on in order for us to be able to head into the forest on time. We don't want to keep the main group of Children waiting so for any sessional children arriving not yet dressed we will ask parents to catch us up on the walk in once their little one is togged up & ready to go !

Please follow our recommended winter kit list HERE

As it is particularly chilly at the moment please continue to add;
an extra layer on top half, at least a double layer of socks, a hat and 2 pairs of gloves.

Team update:

It’s with a very heavy heart that we are saying goodbye to Alex our Third in Charge. She has been presented with a unique opportunity to travel, which she wants to make the most of before she must return to New Zealand.

We’re delighted to say that Leia who joined us in the forest this month, will be stepping into the Third in charge position.

Leia has excellent teaching experience at an independent school, she loves the outdoors and is excited to be part of the team at Wimbledon.
 If you haven't already met, then please do say come and say hi!


Have a lovely weekend, we look forward to more adventures next week!

Little Forest Folk