Wimbledon - Tool Work, Painting and Music Making!

This week at Wimbledon we have been very busy with tool work, painting and making music.

It has been a week full of adventures and excitement and our newer Little Forest Folk-ers are making such great progress with settling into the day-to-day routine of the forest. It is great to see our older children playing and working together with the younger ones, expanding everyone’s knowledge of the space around us.

This week our main focus has been on tool work, and we all worked together to create some busy boards for camp. This has been a wonderful chance for our little explorers to practice using tools to create something for everyone to use in the forest in the future.

We have also organised some more activities that link to our eco-school programme. We have all taken part in our litter picks on our walks into the forest, which is a great way for our little adventurers to learn about taking care of our planet and what we can do to help.

Yet again we have also had many opportunities to paint, build and climb. There is always so much to do during our forest days, and the excitement never ends!!

Little Forest Folk