Wimbledon - The Return of Beech Tree Forest 

This week we saw the return of adventure walks to Beech Tree Forest. This was our first walk here of 2024 and how we have missed it! The children enjoyed getting lunch and all resources ready to go before setting off. On the walk there, some of our older children enjoyed exploring the ‘right’ way - we spoke about left and right as we came to a new junction and when we needed to cross new paths. On our way, we came across a bridge with a stream where we enjoyed jumping and splashing before finishing the last part of our walk there. When we arrived, we found the large hill, and we enjoyed walking and running down it before climbing back up - this was so much fun! We explored some role play at the bottom, where one of our friends had ‘hurt’ their leg, so that needed fixing. Once we finished here, we moved to a new area where we discovered some fallen trees and explored which ones we could climb before it was time to stop for lunch. Our favourite was on the menu today, BEANS!! We helped a lady find her dog lead before we excitedly made our way back to the forest to share our adventure with our friends.

We also set up a photo studio! We used a white curtain as a backdrop and had lots of props and costumes to explore within our photos. Some of us dressed up as superheroes, tutu fairies, and even a vet. We had to decide how we wanted our subjects to pose and where to stand to get the perfect photo. There were lots of smiles and funny faces while we took turns taking each other’s pictures. We even got to use a Polaroid camera to take a photo of one of our friends for them to take home.

What a great week it’s been, we can’t wait for more adventures next week!

Little Forest Folk