Wimbledon - Pots and Pans

Our Week in the Forest...

Holiday! It’s been a wondrous week with our holiday campers, new friends and old. Along with the variety of new faces to the forest, we’ve had most weather conditions too with glorious heat, rain, fog (giving a brilliantly spooky air which the children pretended would yield spooks and skeletons) and gusts!
Big sticks, little sticks, flexible sticks and rigid sticks. All the sticks of the forest were put to good use this week as the children made a variety of different things: bows and arrows were a very popular choice, and getting the straightest sticks for arrows was key. Fishing rods were crafted with long dangling lines; and even a dog lead was made, which was passed around the children to all have a turn of walking the 'new LFF dog’.

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It has been a musical week too with a brand new pots-and-pans drum kit making its way into base camp. The children loved making a racket with their new percussion instrument, but turned their attentions to the practical uses of the pots and colander that were hung up – a warning system for when someone had finished their turn on the swing! This method was developed by two girls, who were taking it in turns to swing, but then they taught everyone else that was interested what the signal meant. It really worked well and shows the power of letting children figure things out for themselves! 

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Have a lovely weekend!

Little Forest Folk