Wimbledon - Natural resources and beautiful creations

Our Week in the Forest...

The mornings are getting frostier and the days colder, but on with some more layers and off we go into the forest to have fun! This week, our Little Forest Folk-ers have kept warm by the fire and enjoyed making new friends as we welcomed our holiday campers for half term.

Twine has kept our hands busy and warm this week as we have used the natural resources around us to make beautiful creations. The holiday campers had some wonderful ideas including pinwheels, cobwebs and jewellery. Some children made amazing crowns with sticks, leaves and recycled string. They looked fantastic as they paraded them around the forest.

Lots of adventure walks this week with lots of amazing finds. The pond continues to get bigger and our Little Forest Folk-ers love to monitor its development and changes week by week. We found a new den in the forest too, perhaps a witch’s home we thought… and now the witch has become part of our everyday conversations and play. We found lots of mushrooms again this week and continued our conversations about how they are an important part of our forest’s ecosystem and how we are to be very respectful and cautious of them in our play spaces.

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On Thursday we used tarpaulins and long sticks to build an amazing house on the meadow. This gave us a little refuge from the rain and the children enjoyed imaginative play as they explored their kitchen, living room, bathroom and bedrooms.

The rain this week also brought the opportunity to experiment with floating and sinking. Our Little Forest Folk-ers gathered around a puddle and watched how different natural materials responded differently when put in water. We watched sticks and leaves float, rocks sink and talked about why we thought they behaved differently. Sparking this interest and love of learning is what it’s all about!

Wishing you a happy weekend, we will see you next week!

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Little Forest Folk