Wimbledon - Little Forest Folk Olympics!

This week our children have been mixing the best of two great things, the Olympics and the forest! We have had lots of fun building and exploring our obstacle course this week. Using pallets, logs and wooden planks we have worked to extend our obstacle course recently. It is a great way to test all of our children’s balance, no matter their age, as we have different sections for them all to go on. This led to an idea to link it with the Olympics!

Our Little Forest Folk-ers took turns to “compete” on the obstacle course and then found wood cookies to make into medals. We used some larger (but different height) logs to make a winner’s podium and after going round the course our little competitors could take their place on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd spot!

Our little explorers have also spoken a lot about travel this week and we have had some travel agencies pop up in the forest. They used clipboards and paper to book holidays for their friends, looking at the globe to choose a destination. They also made their own boarding passes and passports, as well as having a space to go through security! Some of our children went to destinations as far as Australia, whilst others stuck to the Olympic theme and went off to Paris!!

Such a busy and exciting week, jetting off and winning medals!!

Little Forest Folk