Wimbledon - Hapa Zome and Pizza Shops

This week in the forest our children have had a chance to engage in Hapa Zome which is the Japanese technique of smashing flowers and leaves into fabric, to create beautiful leaf prints. First, we had to pick some flowers and plants. As one of our main forest rules is ‘no picking, no licking’, the practitioners and children discussed which plants we can use and how to pick them as to not cause any harm. Then together we cut up a sheet and arranged our plants on the surface before placing another sheet on top and beginning to hammer. It was amazing seeing the colours come through and the patterns begin to form. It was clear to see which plants were being hit and what shape they were. When finished, our little artists loved showing their peers and educators their amazing creations. 

There has been plenty of imagination play this week too, from sick monkeys, to tree monsters, to going fishing, but a favourite was setting up a pizza shop! What great fun we had decorating pizza boxes, adding toppings, and serving to all the customers. It took great skill to make such delicious pizzas! 

This week we have also had many songs and performances which lead to a stage being built. Carefully the Little Forest Folk-ers added wooden poles to a pallet by tying and digging deep. Next the stage was accessorised with a large sheet, ropes and drawings, before the children gathered an audience to perform their show. 

What a great week in the Wimbledon forest 🌳

Little Forest Folk