Wimbledon - Colourful Caterpillars!

A week of art, tool work and stay and plays! 

We welcomed our parents and carers this week to Wimbledon; we hope all the stay and plays were thoroughly enjoyed, we know the children loved it! 

This week’s activities have brought new levels of creativity! The foxes showed off their scientific play by placing paint on kitchen roll before rolling it up then using pip-pets to drop water on it… they were shocked when they noticed the kitchen roll expand and triple in size!!! Soon after, the colours were released and grew into colourful caterpillars. Who knew you could use a piece of kitchen roll in so many different ways! Continuing our scientific activities, the children were provided an opportunity to create their own fans by folding pieces of paper, vertically or horizontally, back and forth to create a zig zag pattern. It was a perfectly timed activity as the weather and heat was increasing the rest of the day so our little explorers could help cool themselves down by using their creations! 

Our Little Forest Folk-ers have been obsessed with water play, especially as the weather is getting warmer, this week they enjoyed transporting water using pieces of plastic guttering. This inspired a series of tool work sessions to create a water busy board where the children got to hammer nails through the plastic and into the wood. Over two days, our little adventurers enjoyed testing their strength, tension and most importantly their hand- eye coordination. It was fantastic to see the children’s progress and confidence increase each time they picked up a hammer… as we know they are quite heavy, so they had to take breaks to rest their arms in between rounds. After their hard work, our little explorers decided to paint the board vibrant shades of purple! We can’t wait to test it out next week, the children have already suggested how we can use it! 

Little Forest Folk