With every week that passes we notice the amazing changes happening around us in the forest. This week we have been watching as the daffodils blossom on the meadow, as well as the new animals venturing out to play around the forest. We have seen bees, baby bunnies and buzzards flushing around. Such a wonderful sight!
We started this week off by making paper snails with one of our educators. The children had all been taking about the bugs that they had seen moving around the forest and wanted to make their own. They sat and chose some coloured paper for the snail and then rolled it to have its shell. We then cut out leaves on green paper and stuck the snail on. The children then spoke about what the snail needs to eat and where it goes to get its food.
We have also been speaking about the bees that have been flying around. This involved reading our new book about bees and learning new facts. We have been counting how many we see and then some children drew pictures of them.
We also celebrated International Women’s Day this week! The children were asked to draw a picture of their favourite lady and then say why they were their favourite. We had pictures of Mummies, Grandmas and sisters and the reasons for being favourites were so lovely. We had children say that they loved the big hugs, and that their Mummies were so kind. Some said that their sisters played fun games with them, and others just said they loved them. We also read books on some inspirational women from around the world and the incredible things they have achieved. It’s so great for our children to learn about these women and to know how some of the things they do and use today came around.
No week in the forest is complete without a fire. This week our children were lucky enough to sit in the spring sunshine and cook some toast. They helped to collect the wood and build the fire and then sit there whilst their toast cooked. No matter how many times we do a fire the children are always so in awe of what is happening. The love talking about how the fire is made, and all the elements that are needed for it. It is such a great thing for them to learn at such a young age.
It has been another incredible week at Wimbledon full of exploring and fun. We love being able to have a look at everything around us and seeing how much our children can learn from the wonderful environment. It’s never a dull day when you’re in the forest!
Little Forest Folk