Wimbledon - Autumnal Adventures

Another amazing autumnal week at Wimbledon, full of falling leaves and floors covered with acorns. The children have enjoyed so many fun activities this week around the topic of autumn and it has been great to see how much understanding and interest they have taken about the season.

One activity we have enjoyed, as we always do, has been adventure walks. There is nothing better than a crisp, sunny day walking through a forest with nothing but leaves under your feet. The children have been so lucky to experience lots of exciting sights on our walks, especially spotting mushrooms. We all know not to go too close to them, but we can investigate them with the educators in our group. This is such a great thing for our children to learn at a young age as it really gets them to know and understand the world around them.

We have also enjoyed some clay work this week with the children able to feel their way around the material and shaping it into whatever they wanted, from faces to broccoli!
There has also been some time to explore the acorns, conkers, and pinecones in the forest, another way of our children exploring the incredible things autumn produces.

The forest is such an amazing place at this time of year and we look forward to what the next few weeks bring!

Little Forest Folk