Wimbledon - All about me

This week we have reintroduced the floor books into the forest. We are following the theme of All About Me. On each page the educators write a question such as ‘Can you draw a picture of yourself’, ‘What do you enjoy playing’, ‘Who is in your family’. The children can then interpret this question however they wish, drawing their answer. It helps them think of appropriate answers as well as express themselves creatively. This is also a great way for us as practitioners to get to know our new children, as well as learn more about the children we have known for longer.

We have also been using the All About Me theme in other aspects of play. One example is we have introduced mirrors, perfect for children to look at themselves and be able to describe their physical characteristics. This introduces topics of conversation to the children, including body parts and what makes each child similar or different. It is amazing watching children talk about how they have something in common as well as something different, and how we should celebrate our differences.

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Sensory play has been big this week and on one day we made moon sand! This involved the children mixing flour, oil, and food colouring with a little bit of water to make the fun sand. It could then be used to make lots of different things, such as cakes, mountains, and sand shapes. This was such a fun way for all the children to play together and use their imaginations.

There have been endless climbing opportunities for the children this week, we have been exploring some of the fallen trees on site as well as spending many mornings in the imagination tree. We have even got to climb off site! On an adventure walk this week the foresters headed to the piggy train. Here they could test out their balancing skills by walking along the ‘train’ and seeing how far they could jump. Two children even built a seesaw! On another walk, the children found a den perfect for turning in to their house and an ice cream shop.

The sun has been shining on us this week so that of course means lots of water play. We have enjoyed using our water pistols to cool ourselves down as well as water the plants around us. The Little Foresters also used pipits to transfer water, this takes great hand control and concentration, but the children always amaze us with their skills.

It has been another fantastic week at the Wimbledon forest and we will see you next week!

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Little Forest Folk