Wimbledon - Aeroplane Day!

This week in the forest, we have focused our activities on all things ‘jobs’. We became pilots, air stewards, office workers, architects, pizza delivery drivers and builders!

One day, our little adventurers asked for an aeroplane day! The children used a globe to decide on their destination and we played a game where we span the globe and guessed where it may stop! Once we had a destination in place, walkie talkies were used to check tickets and ensure the right amount and correct people were on the plane. Some of our Little Forest Folk-ers even took on the job of working on the runway, ensuring that the planes were safely escorted in and out of the airport and all the luggage made its way safely to the correct plane! We then used paper aeroplanes to test the speed of the plane and see who would travel the furthest.

This led us into exploring length as the children used homemade meter sticks to see how tall the daffodils and plants were around the forest. We also found it fascinating to explore who was taller within each group! We measured depth as well by seeing how far we needed to dig to get the dinosaurs out of the sand before exploring different habitats and environments that animals may live in. We discussed why polar bears love snow and why they may not want to live in a sunny desert!

It’s been an amazing week within the Wimbledon Forest, we hope you all have a lovely long weekend! 🌳

Little Forest Folk