Wimbledon - A week of all the weathers

A week of all the weathers

This week the Wimbledon forest has felt like it has had all weathers! We have had sun, rain, clouds and even some thunder, although luckily, we were inside by then. No matter rain or shine our children always amaze us by how resilient they are and how they are able to find play wherever they go.

This week in the forest we have welcomed some new friends. At first, they were a little nervous, but the amazing foresters took each child under their wing and helped them. Some have given them a hand to help them walk in, others demonstrated how to be kind and gentle, while others set up games and invited the new children to join. It is a privilege to see our older kids be so kind and helpful towards those who may need more help.

One activity we have all loved this week is searching on the meadow for animals. Luckily, we have been able to spot bees, ladybirds, snails, and grasshoppers. But the most exciting animals were of course some tiny frogs! Some children spotted them jumping around the imagination tree and watched in fascination. An educator carefully held one in their hands and showed it to the children. Using magnifying glasses, we were all able to get a closer look and see all the different colours. A few of the children were even brave enough to hold the frog themselves, being gentle as to not scare.

Continuing the theme of frogs, we have had a few adventure walks to the frog pond this week. Unfortunately, we were not able to find any frogs there, but that never stops the children having fun. We searched for new spots to sit in so we would have a better reach to the pond and worked together to clear the algae so there was a better view. It was idyllic sitting patiently with our nets in the water seeing if we could spot anything.

This week we have been participating in junk modelling. One activity was making boats. Using a selection of items from egg cartons to plastic packaging we crafted boats. Sticking lollipop sticks on to the bottom ensured they would be able to float. Then they decorated with paint, stickers and pens. Foxes have continued to be creative this week as well by playing with clay and exploring what shapes they could make. Bunnies have also been testing their creativity by making kites using card and string.

In both Foxes and Bunnies group we have had a swing set up. The little ones love this and were all so excited to have a go. It was so much fun to have the swing back and watching the children push themselves to move the swing themselves. They learnt to kick their legs to help push them further, and you could see how proud they were when they could do it themselves.

It has been another brilliant week in the Wimbledon forest and we can’t wait to see you next week!

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Little Forest Folk