Wimbledon - A week of adventures!!

A week of adventures!!

This week we have been so busy at Wimbledon! We have had so many activities and games that our children have been enjoying. We have had a secret Gruffalo hunt, moon sand and building a bug mansion but to name a few.

One of the exciting things that has happened this week has been the secret hunt for the Gruffalo. The children had to follow the clues that had been set up around the forest and read what each clue said. Each clue would lead on to the next and it eventually gave an idea of the activity that was happening the next day. These clues made the children work together as a team, look for different words together and also think about what activity might come next. Using one of their favourite stories was a great way of getting them engaged and focused on the fun activity!

Another great thing that has happened this week has been making a bug mansion. The children have been noticing the new bugs and critters that have been crawling around the forest floor, and decided they wanted to make a home for them. They found a cardboard box and cut out some windows and a door for the bugs to use. The children kept watch to see which bugs were using the house and noticed all the different types of bugs they saw. Seeing how caring our children are about the forest and its creatures shows how much they take notice of our kind and gentle forest rule.

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This week we have also had World Wildlife Day and World Book Day. Our children have all found little ways to celebrate it. We had a bug hunt on World Wildlife Day, looking at all of the creatures we could find and then looking at facts about them. We found out what they eat, where they live and what we can do to protect them.

On World Book Day our children spoke about their favourite books and which ones they love to read at home. We even had one child dress up as their favourite character, a pirate! Our children love to share information about their homes and what they do outside of the forest, always finding new exciting things out about our friends!

Children can be so different yet have so much they can enjoy together, and the forest really brings this out.

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Little Forest Folk