Our Week in the Forest...
It has been wonderful to welcome everyone back to the forest this week after the Christmas break and has made us very excited for all the adventure that 2020 will bring. On our return we have had a lovely week of winter sunshine. Our Little Forest Folk-ers have been very excited to share their stories with each other and the educators, all about what they got up to with their families and friends over the holidays.
On our arrival back in the forest, we found that the mud has been the perfect consistency for squelching through whilst exploring the trails around Wimbledon Common. Squelchy mud and puddles bring the children endless joy whilst exploring our environment. The children have been running, sliding, rolling and pretending to fly down the ‘big hill’ on our adventure walks.
This week has continued to be all about moving in a variety of ways. The children frequently like to sing “We like to move it move it” and they have enjoyed taking turns in the limelight at circle time to show everyone their special moves. We've also been practicing frisbee-ing plates and throwing balls to one another which has been very much enjoyed.
The children have been curious when spotting new changes and additions to the site, noticing jelly eared mushrooms growing on fallen branches and looking at a drey that the squirrels have been making in the trees. They have been fascinated watching the squirrels selecting different dry leaves on the ground and then climbing up to the top of the trees with them.
We have also enjoyed using technology to look at what a drey looks like up close and learning how squirrels use the leaves along with twigs and grass to construct them.
We’ve had a fantastic first week back and wish you all a lovely weekend!
Little Forest Folk