Wandsworth - Pirate ships, jewellery and sports

Pirate ships, jewellery and sport were amongst the many joys of the week.

Vanessa supported the children to create some beautiful colourful string bracelets, proving a wonderful opportunity for the children to talk about their families and for Vanessa to get to learn more about them. The results were beautiful bracelets, gifted to family members, which are the latest fashion accessory to be worn at drop off in the morning! Helping our Little Forest Folk-ers to experience the happiness that comes from giving to others, is probably one of the most valuable ways we can nurture generosity in them.

Dan's pirate ship with a working sail, gave the children a chance to experiment with the pulley. It took a little while to figure out, but our Little Forest Folk-ers showed great perseverance through trial and error which paid off and they sailed the seven seas in search for treasure! Simon's super star net gave the children a chance to climb onto a web and to ponder the life of a spider as it lays in wait for food. The "spiders web" then became a shelter, as the children worked together to collect sticks and then leaves to throw on top of it, turning it into a roof for a den, in which the children could shelter from the impromptu rain showers.

We've had lots of discussions this week about health and personal care. At lunch time Matt read "Supertato!". A book about veggies and a superhero potato. The children discussed the benefits of healthy food and what they're growing at home, strawberries and tomatoes being the most grown amongst our young Gardeners. On Tuesday the children voted and decided to watch some of the football match over dinner. The England v’s Germany game was of huge interest, the children loved discussing their home countries and that of their parents. The children made German and English flags to wave. The Euros have prompted lots of football discussion around different countries, and we're proud to have Little Forest Folk-ers who identify with so many different cultures and languages!

The children discussed the physical advantages of doing sport and exercise, "It's good for your bones and muscles!" with other comments such as "My mummy does exercise!" were amongst the many insights. This week our observant children have enjoyed pointing out the many queues and crowds of people that they have seen from the minibus on the way to the forest. It's hard to escape the local crown jewel, the Tennis Championship which is in full swing at Wimbledon! Much to their delight the children have been using makeshift rackets out of spades or sticks and taking on our tennis ball set up in the forest.

Another successful week in the forest and it's game, set, match! Have a winning weekend!

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Little Forest Folk