Wandsworth - Our Final Day At Paradise Gardens!

A shorter week! With everyone off on the Bank Holiday Monday, we started this week at Wimbledon Common. It's been first-rate. Our newcomers have had the opportunity to play with some of the holiday campers and regular children. Many meetings and lots of playing!

The children have busied themselves with all of their favourite games and activities. They have muddied themselves up to the sleeves amongst the buckets and spades! Many have made some gloriously colourful pictures with their fingers and some trays of ink. We've gone through numerous stories, the children huddling with captivated gazes at the tales of What the Ladybird Heard and other classics.

On Friday morning, our educator Dan made a fantastic contraption for the final day at Paradise Gardens. Using a pipe, a jar and some string, he and the children did some fishing in the pond. No fish to be had but the children managed to drag up some soggy, squishy seaweed! Lots of fun!

We have had a genuinely wonderful time at Paradise and the children have enjoyed it every bit as much. From next week, every day will be spent at Wimbledon Common and now that all our activities and things have been moved over there, the children should have so much more to play with! We look forward to it.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Little Forest Folk