Wandsworth - insects and mini beasts

We’ve all enjoyed the unusually warm weather bursts this week, which provided an extended environment for children to see plenty of insect and mini beast activity. On Wednesday a large grasshopper was spotted climbing onto a book whilst Matt was reading, and the children loved and laughed at someone’s great idea that it wanted to read the story too! When the grasshopper stopped over a line of writing the children all excitedly anticipated it would help Matt read, alas “maybe her voice” was “too little”. Children took turns to carefully and gently let the grasshopper move from hand to hand, and it was excellent to see children who hadn’t yet handled such a creature, bravely take on the challenge, buoyed by other friends describing it as a “soft” feeling.

These mini beast moments provide plenty of learning opportunities for a mixed age range. In this instance, we identified 6 limbs whilst noticing and learning that the 2 antennas help them to sense its surroundings. This includes sensing touch, air motion, heat, vibration (sound), and especially smell or taste, which spring-boarded some great talk for expanding vocabulary and knowledge.

At the beginning of the week children really enjoyed a shaker making activity and we trust some parents have been given an extra sonic blast at home! Firstly, an opportunity was given for children to experience the detail and feel of 10 varieties of dried beans and pulses as well as having a chance to investigate the smell and shape of handfuls of whole star-anise and large cinnamon sticks from Morocco. Next, surrounded by the speaker sounds of traditional Japanese drumming (a group called Yamato) children got to choose how to fill a choice of bottles and containers. Children used a variety of great fine motor skills to pick pieces around the table area and we observed some excellent sharing. Educators saw some wonderful happy rhythmic moves and sound making around the table as children identified that more or less content made different noises. These creations were used to help play throughout the day which is a great way to give children a sense of pride and belief that their creative efforts have a tangibly super fun use!

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Throughout this week, the waterproof number cards have continued to prove a hit with the children, who have loved using them to support their own play ideas. We have observed many children keen to proudly carry these around the sites wherever they go, which makes for plenty of simple learning moments. Whilst using utensils, pots and pans in mud kitchen areas, for example, educators have helped to scaffold number recognition around recipe measurements like “2 scoops of flour” or “5 pinches of salt”.

Over on green team, Cecilia has been an excellent patient, receiving some of the finest medical attention from half a dozen doctors and nurses at the same time. She is currently covered in about 1000 metres of imaginary bandage! These games have been such incredibly laughter filled fun, and they are always such a great way to ensure children get to replay what they know of the wider world.

As always, adventure walks have been popular with everyone and as the weeks have progressed, they have become far more child led with some excellent democratic direction choosing. Supported by educators to make safe choices for everyone, children have been able to begin to learn about left and right, whilst being immersed in the positional language so vital for early maths sense. We are so lucky to have such a large, beautiful expanse to explore with its variety of enchanting views and this week some children have chosen to visit the lake several times. It can sometimes be hard to stay observational whilst running around so this peaceful spot is perfect for taking time to relax and talk about what we can see and hear around us.

Taking the time to stop and appreciate nature is a great antidote to the fast-paced world for all ages and we hope you can find some time to relax together outdoors soon. Have a great weekend everyone. We can’t wait to hear all about it in the log circle next week!

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Little Forest Folk