Wandsworth - getting our thinking caps on

This week in the forest, we've been getting our thinking caps on and our observation skills at the ready. Whilst out on an adventure walk, Red Group took a trip down to the large pond to enjoy and correctly identify the different species of duck, the mandarins, mallards and moore hens. Red Group were very good field scientists and were so quiet and respectful that four baby cygnets came out of the water to say "hello"! The children commented on how fluffy they were and afterwards they collected some leftover swan feathers and started copying the way that the different ducks and swans moved. "The natural world is a giant, open-ended learning laboratory. Children are innate scientists and love to experience the sights, scents, sounds, and textures of the outdoors".

Red Group's encounter at the large pond is one such example of children's instinctive ability to use the natural world to understand how life works. Green Group found an eggshell under their tree and did an investigation, coming up with ideas of where the egg might have come from. It was quite the mystery, given how small and delicate the egg was, it was anyone’s guess as to which animal laid the egg. But as Green Group passed around the egg to do an examination, they applied the “Kind and Gentle” rule to the eggshell to make sure it didn’t break. Green Group have also been using leaves to make prints and have creatively been using them in their artwork. Trees and plants give so much to our teams, and as a “Thank You” Red Group had a tree hugging session!

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Outdoors as an educational environment proves that "Nature provides countless opportunities for discovery, creativity, problem-solving, and STEM education." Round stones become dinosaur eggs, twigs become fantastic opportunities to create shapes and pinecones become useful counting tools. Red group’s ‘Bug Hotel’ is becoming a firm favourite on the Bowling Club field, solving where to safely house the millipedes and snails they uncover in the mud kitchen. Red Group also spent some time decorating an upcycled bicycle wheel to brighten up the field. Green Group drew some creative pieces on the chalkboard which were displayed in a ‘field gallery’. The sun came out to play and we had some beautiful weather on Thursday, to celebrate Red and Green Group had a forest disco and danced on either side of the middle divide.

We hope the dancing and sunshine continues into the weekend! Have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend, enjoy!

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Little Forest Folk