Wandsworth - Autumnal forest

Our Week in the Forest... 

This week has seen the real end of summer, and the true start of the autumn months with chilly winds and plenty of rain! The children have shown mighty character and resolve to thrive in the conditions and have looked at the changing seasons to inspire their own creations such as autumnal collages using fallen forest materials. We have also looked further into creating expansive group games to create new friendships and team working skills amongst our newest starters.

Firstly though, the highlight of the week was to see how all of our group on Tuesday thrived in torrential conditions. With an average age of 2 years and 9 months, the children were thrust into a heavy downpour and instead of shying away all were encouraged to feel the joy of being immersed in what nature can throw at them. The pure unbridled joy they all showed in splashing and frolicking in the almighty rivers that appeared in the forest in a matter of minutes. Their resilience and resolve bodes very well for the future.

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The group adventure walks have been magic this week. The changing colours of the leaves and the effect it has on the light in the forest mixed with the endeavour of the children to spy out a whole host of new mushrooms and insects has been a real joy. The children have shown a great urge to collect all of the difference that they see on the forest floor and our Jaybirds have also been using these materials to create a wonderful collage. We have also started to use the collected chestnut pod shells to make some pretty gnarly natural paintbrushes.

One main facet of learning within the forest that we have been inspired to use this week has been peer to peer learning through child led games. Using a giant log as a toboggan the educators dragged the children around the forest to create a train track mark on the ground. The children then policed themselves with a ticket station, mechanics garage and a refreshment stool. All were involved as they whizzed around the track, broke down and voyaged on their own unique journeys, using their developing communication skills to help each other on the way.

It has been a brilliant week, have a lovely weekend everybody and see you again next week!

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Little Forest Folk