Twickenham - Sunshine, Rain Showers and Healthy Eating!

It’s been a hot one this week and our Little Forest Folk-ers have loved all the water and ice play we’ve had on offer - a special cool down treat was the huge downpour we had on Monday where our little adventurers ran around and danced in the rain!

This week is healthy eating week and we’ve had several fantastic activities in the forest to learn all about this topic. The smoothie bar was a particular favourite where we mixed our very own tasty juices, added in some lime and lemon slices and chipped away at blocks of ice before pouring these into some nice copper cups to make sure we were serving a lovely refreshing drink in this heat. The smoothies were flying off the shelves, with plenty of happy customers!

We’ve also learnt about growing and harvesting food. We spoke about where vegetables grow, and we also had lots of potatoes buried under soil ready to be dug up and cleaned off for some potato printing at the art table.

Many books have been shared this week on the topics of healthy eating and oral health, where we learnt about the foods that are good for our teeth and those that are not as good. Shortly following our reading, we shared plenty of crunchy crudités at lunch - those crunchy carrots definitely went down a treat!

On Thursday we had healthy green ‘pizzas’ made from play dough, mint leaves, rosemary from our forest garden to add an authentic scent and sprigs of herbs to sprinkle on top for garnish. We all worked together to roll and flatten our dough ready for 'cooking'.

Here at Little Forest Folk we know that healthy eating and healthy living go hand in hand which means we have to take time to look after ourselves and what better way to do this than making our very own forest spa. The children dipped their toes in their foot spa and spent some time chatting about their day and getting some well-earned rest.

Being healthy is about balance so in the afternoons we made sure to enjoy some much-needed ice lollies to help us cool down ☀️ Another brilliant week in the forest!

Little Forest Folk