Twickenham - humble cardboard box

It never fails to amaze educators in the forest the amount of potential children see in a humble cardboard box. When set free with their imaginations - it really can become anything and everything! This week, there has been an ongoing project to build a large cardboard box doll house. The children talked about the spec design; Would it have windows? Would it have a flat or a pointed roof? Would it have stairs or a catapult to fly the housemates to the second and third floors? Eager hands were all ready to start the build and with help they cut out windows and doors and made a roof. After a quick builders break to drink some water and have some fruit, the Forest Folk construction team continued- this time adding colours and textures to the outside of the house. Unlike real builders - the rain did nothing to deter our children who kept the project going for a number of days!

Another cardboard box was found and this time, children requested soldier helmets to support their play. The cardboard box was cut down into strips and Knight helmets were constructed and decorated and worn proudly and our valiant heroes romped through the forest armed with cardboard swords and shields.

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Luckily, our knights had not lost their kind and gentle hands when they got the chance to get up close to some silkworms that Miranda was showing around. The children discussed what they eat, and they watched how they moved - “I don’t know if it’s a worm or a caterpillar?” said one child which then sparked a passionate debate.

The end of Ramadan arrived this week and the children got to sing their hello song but replaced “hello” with “Salaam” before making some beautiful Eid cards. Cars were decorated with detailed drawings or patterns and some even attempted to write “Happy Eid”. One girl was happy to show off her henna designs on her hands and this led to children making some of their own using the paints.

We hope people had a wonderful Eid celebration too and we hope you all have a great weekends!

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Little Forest Folk