Putney Heath - Birds, Bugs and Brilliance

Birds, Bugs and Brilliance

We ended last week with the most perfectly pirate themed dress up day! After starting the day admiring some absolutely amazing costumes, we headed into the forest to begin our pirate activities. Our main activity of the day was a treasure hunt and the children had to use a map and solve some clues to find the treasure. The children were amazing at this and answered some really tricky maths and colour questions to receive the clues. The Putney Heath Pirates were successful and found golden coins and jewels and sat down together counting out their finds. What an amazing way to end our pirate week!

Heading into the new week, bugs and birds were a theme of interest throughout the forest so we embarked on a brilliant, big bug hunt, using magnifying glasses and identification sheets to see what insects and bugs we could find hiding in our forest. The children practiced the gentle picking up of bugs by carefully handling a rice crispy. The children learnt that insects are just as delicate as a single rice crispy, so we always have to be gentle.

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The bug fun didn’t stop there! Further into the week the children enjoyed creating some amazing seed balls using clay, soil, seeds and water. These looked great and we can’t wait for them to dry so we can put them in special places around the forest for the bugs and animals to enjoy. The children were also very happy to see their toy friends Woodpecker, Robin and Great tit again. The children learnt that in springtime, birds are building their nests to lay their eggs, so we decided to help our bird friends by building some nests of our own. The children used nesting material, mud, yarn and leaves to create small nests and they even got to pick small toy birds to put in them for them to look after.

We ended the week with another big bug hunt on the meadow and we found some big wiggly worms, woodlice and some beetles! What an absolutely amazing week we’ve had. We wish you all a very restful weekend!

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Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath