Twickenham - Forest guests

This week has been extra exciting for the children as they have invited their mummies and daddies into the forest. This has given the children the opportunity to show their parents around the forest, introducing them to the famous mud kitchen where they make mud pies and poisonous cakes! Some children showed how hospitable they are by making their mums or dads a delicious mud ice cream or a hot cup of tea. Some children also explained the forest school rules to their families, noticing they weren’t wearing a high vis! This alarmed some of the children, but we reassured them that their parents would be safe in the forest without one.

Other children enjoyed engaging their parents in role play games with some children whisking off to space shouting “3,2,1, BLAST OFF!” on an amazing Rocketship which had been created upon their arrival into camp. Others enjoyed getting their families involved in their favourite chasing games and we had mummies and daddies whizzing around the camp with their little ones.

Mid-week, the children continued making their volcano, painting it with volcanic colours such as greys, browns, and blacks to resemble the mud and rock from previous eruptions. We also added in some sand to give the volcano a grainy texture. The next day the children were extremely excited when it was time to watch the volcano erupt! We used the famous mixture of bicarb and vinegar, mixed with some orange paint to give it that lava look. The children watched in awe as the mixture erupted over the top of the volcano and creeped down the volcano's rocky surface. Sadly, some dinosaurs did not survive the eruption as they were grazing at the base of the volcano and didn’t notice it erupt!

With spring in full swing, the children have enjoyed noticing the wildlife which has been popping up in the forest. One exciting feature has been the little ducklings, grazing along the river. This week, we noticed some Geese with seven tiny little goslings! We wanted to find out what breed these were and when searching their distinctive features, found out they were Egyptian geese. So cute!

Towards the end of the week the children enjoyed working together to take all our recycling to the big bin at the front of Heatham House. Our eco warriors did an amazing job at ensuring that all our different types of recycling were distributed into the right bins. It is so lovely to see our children so dedicated to looking after our planet.

We hope you all have a lovely bank holiday weekend, and we look forward to the adventures we will have next week in our lovely forest!

Little Forest Folk