Twickenham - Children's perspectives

With a buzz of excitement - friends were reunited after the break and it has been lovely having the forest alive with the sounds of children again. There was a lot of conversation about gift exchanges and one boy said with such joy, we almost thought he was going to burst, “I got a lump of coal for Christmas and it’s great because it’s exactly what I wanted, and I can put it in a steam train!” and another child told every educator “I got chocolates for Christmas...I ate them!”.

What a perspective of the world - where a lump of coal is the best gift ever because it links to a love of steam engines and a gift of chocolate was the height of an indulgent treat. It’s perspectives like this that make us so very pleased that we were able throw open the gates this week and enjoy the world through the children’s eyes.

Stories of having watched ‘Polar Express’ with families soon inspired an array of run-away train roleplay with children screaming “pull the break” as the wheels of the train skidded over ice rinks or trundled over precarious bridges.

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There have been beautiful splashes of colour going on in the forest this week. Foxes used junk modelling and paints to make fire engines and volcanoes, while the parakeets enjoyed mixing paint colours and expressing large movements on giant pieces of card. The parakeets have also been very imaginative with the clay this week and we have seen a lot of role play props that can be squished together and reinvented, so the props remain as fluid as the children’s imaginations.

We, as a team, would like to say a heartfelt thank you to all the parents who have stuck to the new operation procedures in regard to wearing masks at drop off and pick up, you all seem as dedicated to keeping our site open and safe as we do, and your co-operation has not gone unnoticed.

Here is to a wonderful start to the year and see you all after the weekend. Have fun and stay safe whatever you are doing!

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Little Forest Folk