Twickenham - Celebrating World Book Day!

This week we have been busy celebrating World Book Day throughout the whole week! We started off by painting and decorating curtains for our special stage which we made with all of our pallet trays. This turned into our stage for telling stories and acting out our helicopter stories. Everyone has had creative imaginations this week as we have been thinking of lots of different stories and sharing them with our friends. We’ve had helicopter stories made of baddie helicopters, ghosts, pirates, fisherman, princesses and knights told with volcanos erupting as a popular theme. We’ve took turns listening, telling and even acting them out. The children have also begun to ask for the educators to make up a story about a character they make up there and then.

For World Book Day on Thursday, the educators and children came into the forest dressed up in all sorts of wonderful characters and objects from books. We even brought in some of our favourite stories from home to share with all of our friends. The children were fascinated by all the new stories as they were read and were excited to find out who their friends were dressed up as. We then acted out some of the stories and created new stories with all of the characters in around the forest. With all of the extra books in the forest, some of the children decided that we now have enough books for a library! So, they created a den and named it a library where all the books had to be kept. They would give their friends a pretend ticket as they took out the books from the library and after a little while, they would search for their friend saying it had to be returned or it’s late.

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The children are still as ever fascinated by the Titanic and its story and this week they have been thinking about all the different things that might have been on the ship. We have each been creating magnificent drawings of the Titanic with lots of details in the pictures, such as craters on a moon and an iceberg with a penguin sitting on it! We then inside our ships began to draw mail, spoons, biscuits and people as the children thought how all of these would be on the ship.

We experimented with different ways of building and climbing this week, creating a giant staircase with crates, a cotton reel and our den. The children climbed carefully higher and higher until they reached the very top and would hold the hands of an educator and jump off! We explored and compared heights with our friends, talking about who was taller and shorter at the different levels and learning different words that could mean the same, such as, big and small, high and low and giant and tiny. The children have also become so engaged in stories this week that when they are all sitting atop the climbing structures, they have been asking to listen to a story in which they would listen so intently to.


Little Forest Folk