Twickenham - A visit from Jack Frost

Hello everyone

We’ve had another fun-packed week in the forest. The children have responded really well to the slight drop in temperature. The winter months are always a challenge of endurance for staff and children but the aim is to build resilience in our Little Forest Folk-ers. It also provides a fantastic learning opportunity, particularly early in the morning when we can observe another visit from ‘Jack Frost.’ On behalf of all the staff we would like to thank you all for dressing your children up so well. Plenty of layers is key! 

This week has seen the return of our cheeky little friend Ruby the ‘elf on a shelf’ who visits every year to let us know Christmas is coming. Her favourite game is to hide every morning from the children and after snack time the group scatters in hot pursuit of our Arctic visitor. She must have been tired on Monday as she was discovered hiding in the sleep tent!

On Wednesday we cut out a large Christmas tree from cardboard and the children had a great time decorating it with paint, cotton wool, coloured pom-poms and glitter! After drying we hung the tree up in the forest and Ruby was so impressed she tried climbing to the top!

In order to make Ruby feel at home, Celine kindly found a wonderful box of Christmas dressing-up costumes that we all had great fun trying on. Soon Twickenham resembled Lapland with a hive of busy little elves roaming around the forest! 

Have a lovely weekend! See you next week! 

Little Forest Folk