Putney Heath - Lots of Litter!

Lots of Litter!

We ended last week with some very poorly children and educators which meant for a different day filled with new faces. Educators came from different sites to help out and the children enjoyed meeting new faces and still managed to have a fun filled Friday! Wild cooking Fridays gave the children a chance to make vegetable faces. The children carefully cut peppers, cucumbers and carrots and made fabulous vegetable friends which they ate all up!

We began the new week with a fresh start, and we were finally back in our forest after lots of wind and other changes. Both children and educators were so excited to see the changes to our forest and could not wait to get settled back onto camp. Mountains of mud greeted us, and we were all so eager to make mud pies and jump in the muddy puddles.

Further into the week we had an exciting delivery of some litter pickers. We have been really interested in litter picking over the past month and are super excited to still be taking part in our Keep Britain Tidy pledge. The litter pickers made for an easier litter picking adventure and the children were amazing at gripping the litter tight with the claw. We managed to collect another full bin bag of litter from in and around our forest and learnt about the dangers litter can bring to our animals.

Later into the week we had a very explosive activity; We created a very powerful rocket. The children took turns to pour vinegar into a jug and added their choice of food colouring. An educator then added bicarbonate of soda and the rocket took off and shot into a tree! The children found this very funny, although I don’t think the tree would agree

We ended the week, celebrating world book day with some fantastic face painting. The children chose different characters from their favourite books and had lots of fun role-playing whilst embodying these characters. We had everything from Spiderman and Iron Man to Elsa and unicorns. We ended the day with some wonderful storytelling using our fantastically painted story stones.

We have certainly had a very exciting week here at Putney Heath and we wish you all a restful weekend!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath