Putney Heath - Sensory Patterns & Spices

This week, we’ve immersed ourselves in the theme of diversity, learning about the beautiful differences that exist across cultures around the world. Our adventurers have been exploring new sights, sounds, and tastes, all while embracing the wonders of our global community.

In our sensory zone, the children explored the vibrant patterns and spices from India and Africa. They were introduced to a variety of spices, identifying familiar scents like cinnamon, and recreated some of the intricate patterns they saw using their mark-making skills. Their creativity truly flourished as they drew colourful and unique designs.

The sensory exploration didn’t stop there! Our adventurers had the chance to try fruits from all around the world, tasting coconuts, mangos, and sharon fruit, and learning where in the world these delicious fruits grow. Mango and sharon fruit were big hits, and it was lovely to see the children excited about trying new things.

This week, the children also practised their forest school skills through a wonderful art activity called hapa zome. Using hammers, they arranged flowers between linen fabric and carefully pressed their designs into the cloth, creating beautiful nature-inspired prints. It was a fantastic opportunity for them to explore creativity while practising patience and precision.

We’ve also been den-making this week! With teamwork at the forefront, our children worked together to move sticks and logs to create a brand-new den. This collaborative effort has been in preparation for our Big Bear Hunt Open Day this weekend, and we couldn’t be more excited!

Thank you all for another amazing week filled with learning, creativity, and adventure. We look forward to seeing you at the Bear Hunt! Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath