Putney Heath - Marvellous Mud!

Marvellous Mud!

It has been another fantastic week here at Putney Heath and the children have enjoyed the wetter weather as this allows for our most favourite activity…. Jumping in MUDDY PUDDLES! 

We began the week engaging with the musical instruments. The children enjoyed tapping, shaking and singing along to a variety of different nursery rhymes. The children then had a fantastic idea to use the egg shakers in their role play game. They began to build a nest for the eggs and protected the babies once they hatched. We love the imagination our Little Forest Folk-ers have here at Putney Heath, it truly makes for such an exciting time in the forest. 

The rain welcomed us in camp towards the middle of the week and the children were quick to build their pirate ships to sail safely through the forest. We had mechanics and builders working hard to fix the holes in the ships and sneaky pirates taking the treasures around camp. 

After two adventures to the meadow, lots of jumping in muddy puddles and making various muddy foods, we are all ready for a restful weekend. We cannot wait for more adventures with you all next week 

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath