Putney Heath - A week of B’s: Blackberries, boats, bubble wands...

A week of B’s: Blackberries, boats, bubble wands...

We ended a fantastically creative week with some incredible rain, which of course provided us with some perfect puddles for us to jump in. The children had great fun running around the forest and the cricket pitch finding different puddles for them all to jump in and together we noticed that some puddles were bubbling. One child said that it looked like frothy hot chocolate… not sure we would like to drink it though!

Boats were definitely needed as we headed into the new week with some more rain, and we discovered a path on our way into the forest that had turned into a stream. The children and educators spoke about making boats to float down the stream and we started to look for building materials. We collected lots of bark, sticks and leaves and after snack time we began constructing our boats. The children created a boating lake with a bucket filled with water and enjoyed watching their boats float away.

Bubble wands were an activity of excitement, and the children were so engaged in making them. We used sticks and some gardening wire, and the children enjoyed seeing how big they could make their bubbles. We had some trouble getting our bubble mixture right, but we got there in the end and created some beautiful bubbles.

Blackberries have been growing around our forest in the brambles and this week we decided to go on a small adventure to pick some so we could make our own natural paint. Once we were in the forest, we mashed up the blackberries into a pot along with some water and we all loved creating some wonderful paintings using our natural paint.

Further into the week we got a very exciting visitor from a baby fox lurking in the brambles quietly watching us play. We all enjoyed watching as the fox roamed around the edge of our camp and we spoke about the fox’s family and questioned where its mum could be.

We ended the week with some physical challenges on the slack line and the children were brave explorers as they carefully balanced on the line whilst the educators pretended to be hungry crocodiles waiting for the children to lose balance.

We have had an amazing week in the forest, and we hope you have had a great week too. We hope you all have an amazing weekend, and we cannot wait for more adventures next week!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath