Putney Heath - A Visit to Roly Poly Hill

We have had a wonderful week here at Putney Heath, full of creative, exciting activities that we cannot wait to share with you.

The children began to work on their lanterns for the Festival of Lights and what a wonderful job they have all done. They have enjoyed choosing the different colours of tissue paper to carefully glue to the milk containers and showed off their amazing concentration and fine motor skills throughout. Our Little Forest Folk-ers love creative activities and it has been fantastic to see them work so hard on creating some brilliant lanterns. We are all excited to see them lit at our Putney Heath Festival of Lights on Friday 2nd December.

The children have also enjoyed some adventure walks this week, embarking on a litter pick to help look after our forest and wildlife. As always, the children showcased their super sharing skills by ensuring that everyone had a turn with the litter pickers.

Towards the end of the week, we set up on the roly poly hill which is a firm favourite of ours here at Putney Heath, and the children had great fun experimenting with different ways to travel down the hill.

We hope you all have a restful weekend and we look forward for more adventures next week!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath