Morden - The First Harvest of the Summer

We had another amazing week in the forest as we enjoyed the first harvest of the summer. In the forest, we are surrounded by wonderful elder trees which are looking spectacular as their delicate white fronds of flowers entice us with their sweet scent. We chose the best-looking bunch to make our very own elderflower cordial. We remembered to pick only what we needed and left the rest to turn into berries for the birds to eat. The kitchen smelled wonderful as the smell of the elderflower wafted through the forest. We all waited eagerly by the gate, smelling its wonderful aroma that lingered even after they'd been put in the freezer to harden into ice lollies. 

On another day, we enjoyed the first strawberries of the summer by making strawberry and banana cordial to have with our snack. We couldn’t resist licking our fingers after we’ve mashed the strawberries and bananas. We used our muscles to push the fruits through a sieve and felt satisfaction as we had a sip of the wonderful concoction during a hot and sunny day.

In anticipation of all the wonderful summer activities we are going to do, we decided to ‘go camping!’ We all just about managed to fit into our campervan along with our equipment to drive to our campsite. We chose a particular place, a quiet corner of the woods where there were lots of trees for shade, but enough space for our fire pit. We all worked together to get our campsite up and going. Some of us put up the tarps to make a tent, the others gathered sticks to make a fire, some carried cans of water just in case the fire got out of hand, and our chefs cooked an amazing meal of mud and leaf soup.

We also enjoyed transforming the forest into a Reception classroom where we put on our uniforms, sharpened our pencils, and practised writing the curly “c”.  We made a little band where we clicked our castanets to the beat of a drum as we sang our curly c song. Then, we practised writing it in the air with our fingers, then on a piece of paper with our freshly sharpened pencils. We wrote it very big, and we wrote it very small. We wrote it to complete the word cat, cow and car, and when we finished, we proudly glued our work in our Reception notebook!

We’ll be back next time with more stories of our adventures in the forest. 

Little Forest Folk